Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Trust Me! I am a European Central Banker
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, the ECB has experienced an unprecedented deterioration in the level of trust. This raises the question as to what factors determine trust in central banking. We use a unique ...
Systemic Risk in an Interconnected Banking System with Endogenous Asset Markets
We analyze the emergence of systemic risk in a network model of interconnected bank balance sheets. The model incorporates multiple sources of systemic risk, including size of financial institutions, direct exposure from ...
Bank Networks: Contagion, Systemic Risk and Prudential Policy
We present a network model of the interbank market in which optimizing risk averse banks lend to each other and invest in non-liquid assets. Market clearing takes place through a tâtonnement process which yields the ...
Too Interconnected to Fail: A Survey of the Interbank Networks Literature
The banking system is highly interconnected and these connections can be conveniently represented as an interbank network. This survey presents a systematic overview of the recent advances in the theoretical literature on ...
Multiplex interbank networks and systemic importance: An application to European data
Research on interbank networks and systemic importance is starting to recognise that the web of exposures linking banks balance sheets is more complex than the single-layer-of-exposure approach. We use data on exposures ...
Incentive Effects from Write-down CoCo Bonds: An Empirical Analysis
Departing from the principle of absolute priority, CoCo bonds are particularly exposed to bank losses despite not having ownership rights. This paper shows the link between adverse CoCo design and their yields, confirming ...
Bloomberg offers a wide range of data on the world's leading public and private companies. Bloomberg database components includes: Stock price data, CDS and bond data, calculated ratios, financial accounts information; ...
Markit Ltd. was a British financial information and services company with over 4,000 employees, founded in 2003 as an independent source of credit derivative pricing. The company provides independent data, trade processing ...
Historical financial database with over 35 million individual instruments or indicators across all major asset classes, including 8.5 million active economic indicators. It features 70 years of data, across 175 countries ...
same with Eurobarometer surveys below