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Corporate Finance
Transparency Lab
Systemic Risk Lab
Financial Institutions
Financial Markets
Macro Finance
Data Center
Transparency Lab
Systemic Risk Lab
Financial Institutions
Financial Markets
Macro Finance
Data Center
private equity, leveraged buyouts, active shareholders, corporate restructuring, operational performance, ownership concentration, corporate governance, sovereign debt, sovereign default, financial distress, systemic risk, contagion, banking stability, tail risk, cds, sovereign risk, jumps, feedback, hawkes processes, mutually exciting processes, impulse-response, executive compensation, say on pay, germany, treasury auctions, multi-unit auctions, independent private values, competition, bidder surplus, auction format, risk measurement, var, ?covar, oil, financial institutions, petroleum-based economies, liquidity premium, liquidity risk, tips, inflation swaps, tips-treasury puzzle, coco bonds, contingent capital, endogenous risk, capital structure, incentives, monitoring, sovereign bonds, term structure of interest rates, segmentation, liquidity, flight-to-safety, credit risk, unconventional monetary policy, corporate social responsibility, esg rating agencies, sustainable investments, monetary policy surprises, equity premium, fund flows, portfolio rebalanc- ing, price pressures, public financial news, stock market, nlp, dictionary, lstm neural networks, investor sentiment, s&p 500, market microstructure, hybrid markets, venue choice, interdealer brokerage, fixed-income, otc markets, search frictions, information frictions
G23, G24, G32, G34, C16, C61, G01, G21, C13, G12, D23, G30, J33, K22, D44, L10, L13, C22, C58, G17, G20, C51, H63, G18, H81, G15, M14, G11, G10, E44, G14, C45, C63, D4, D47, G1
Working Paper Referenzen
Insight Private Equity
Performance Benefits of Tight Control
Systemic Risk and Sovereign Debt in the Euro Area
Mutual Excitation in Eurozone Sovereign CDS
Does Say on Pay Matter? Evidence from Germany
Competition in Treasury Auctions
Systemic risk for financial institutions of major petroleum-based economies: The role of oil
The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Liquidity Premiums in Inflation-Indexed Markets
Incentive Effects from Write-down CoCo Bonds: An Empirical Analysis
The Pricing Implications of Oligopolistic Securities Lending Market: A Beneficial Owner Perspective
Debt Holder Monitoring and Implicit Guarantees: Did the BRRD Improve Market Discipline?
Much Ado About Nothing: A Study of Differential Pricing and Liquidity of Short and Long Term Bonds
Inside the ESG Ratings: (Dis)agreement and Performance
The FOMC Risk Shift
Impact of public news sentiment on stock market index return and volatility
OTC Discount
Performance Benefits of Tight Control
Systemic Risk and Sovereign Debt in the Euro Area
Mutual Excitation in Eurozone Sovereign CDS
Does Say on Pay Matter? Evidence from Germany
Competition in Treasury Auctions
Systemic risk for financial institutions of major petroleum-based economies: The role of oil
The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Liquidity Premiums in Inflation-Indexed Markets
Incentive Effects from Write-down CoCo Bonds: An Empirical Analysis
The Pricing Implications of Oligopolistic Securities Lending Market: A Beneficial Owner Perspective
Debt Holder Monitoring and Implicit Guarantees: Did the BRRD Improve Market Discipline?
Much Ado About Nothing: A Study of Differential Pricing and Liquidity of Short and Long Term Bonds
Inside the ESG Ratings: (Dis)agreement and Performance
The FOMC Risk Shift
Impact of public news sentiment on stock market index return and volatility
OTC Discount
Financial Markets
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance
Research Data
Link zur Publikation
- External Research Data [777]