Now showing items 21-30 of 54
Innovation Dynamics and Fiscal Policy: Implications for Growth, Asset Prices, and Welfare
"We study the general equilibrium implications of different fiscal policies on macroeconomic quantities, asset prices, and welfare by utilizing two endogenous growth models. The expanding variety model features only ...
Mental Accounting in a Business Cycle Model
Motivated by the consumer behavior literature, this paper presents a new business cycle model in which consumers incur a pain of paying and neglect the opportunity costs of consumption. Although consumers maximize their ...
The Macroeconomic Effects of Asset Purchases Revisited
This paper revisits the macroeconomic effects of the large-scale asset purchase programmes launched by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England from 2008. Using a Bayesian VAR, we investigate the macroeconomic impact ...
Pro-rich Inflation in Europe: Implications for the Measurement of Inequality
This paper studies the distributional consequences of a systematic variation in expenditure shares and prices. Using European Union Household Budget Surveys and Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices data, we construct ...
Back to the Future: A Sovereign Debt Standstill Mechanism IMF Article VIII, Section 2 (b)
This article provides a proposal to use IMF Article VIII, Section 2 (b) to establish a binding mechanism on private creditors for a sovereign debt standstill. The proposal builds on the original idea by Whitney Deveboise ...
The Impact of Temporal Framing on the Marginal Propensity to Consume
We conducted a large-scale household survey in November 2020 to study how altering the time frame of a message (temporal framing) regarding an imminent positive income shock affects consumption plans. The income shock ...
Eurostat HICP
Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) are designed for international comparisons of consumer price inflation. HICPs are used for the assessment of the inflation convergence criterion as required under Article 121 ...
We conducted a large-scale household survey in November 2020 to study how altering the time frame of a message (temporal framing) regarding an imminent positive income shock affects consumption plans. The income shock ...
MSCI Total Return Index
The Austrian Treasury is the debt management office of the Republic of Austria and acts in the name and for the account of the sovereign. Its responsibilities include issuing Austrian government debt and managing the federal ...