Anzeige der Dokumente 77-96 von 1145

    • BASI 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Access to several million art auction records from 1922 to the present from sales held in North America, Europe, India, and China. Includes market data for key artists , as well as ability to search by lot, and provides ...
    • BdB 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Der Bundesverband deutscher Banken (BdB) ist die Interessenvertretung der privaten Banken in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Er hat die Rechtsform eines eingetragenen Vereins. Der Verband wurde 1951 in Köln gegründet. Er ...
    • BDRC 

      Unbekannter Autor
      The Business Dynamics Research Consortium is a public-private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institute devoted to the study of business performance and economic growth. Operated as a research consortium at the University ...
    • BEA 

      Unbekannter Autor
      The Bureau of Economic Analysis produces economic accounts statistics that enable government and business decision-makers, researchers, and the American public to follow and understand the performance of the Nation's economy.
    • BEA NIPA 

      Unbekannter Autor
      BEA's national economic accounts provide a comprehensive picture of the U.S. economy and feature many macroeconomic statistics.
    • BEDOFIH 

      Unbekannter Autor
      The BEDOFIH database includes trades and orders with the highest frequency. BEDOFIH covers the most important European stock markets.
    • BEEPS 

      Unbekannter Autor
      The EBRD undertakes surveys in a number of areas that are related to its operational activities and where the findings are critical for its understanding of transition. Most of these projects are funded in part by external ...
    • Belgium CSPP 

      National Bank of Belgium (2018)
      CSPP Resources of the National Bank of Belgium
    • Belgium PSPP 

      National Bank of Belgium (2018)
      PSPP Resources of the National Bank of Belgium
    • Belief Formation and Belief Updating under Ambiguity: Evidence from Experiments 

      Li, Wenhui; Wilde, Christian (2019-09-21)
      Decisions under ambiguity depend on both the belief regarding possible scenarios and the attitude towards ambiguity. This paper exclusively focuses on beliefs, measured independent from attitudes. We use laboratory experiments ...
    • Berliner-Börsen-Zeitung 

      Unbekannter Autor
      The Berliner Börsen-Zeitung, also known as BBZ, was a daily newspaper published twice a week as a morning and evening edition in Berlin from 1855 to 1944 over a span of 89 years, five wars and four forms of government.
    • BHH Administrative data 

      Unbekannter Autor
      A unique dataset from a large German bank which features information on customer demographics, categorized current account transactions, portfolio holdings, and individual trading records.
    • BHPS 

      Unbekannter Autor
      The British Household Panel Survey began in 1991 and is a multi-purpose study whose unique value resides in the fact that: it follows the same representative sample of individuals - the panel - over a period of years, it ...
    • Biases in Information Selection and Processing: Survey Evidence from the Pandemic 

      Faia, Ester; Fuster, Andreas; Pezone, Vincenzo; Zafar, Basit (2021-02-10)
      How people form beliefs is crucial for understanding decision-making un- der uncertainty. This is particularly true in a situation such as a pandemic, where beliefs will affect behaviors that impact public health as well ...
    • BIC 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Der Bank Identifier Code - BIC ist ein international standardisierter Code für die weltweit eindeutige Identifikation von Banken.
    • BIS 

      Unbekannter Autor
      BIS statistics, compiled in cooperation with central banks and other national authorities, are designed to inform analysis of financial stability, international monetary spillovers and global liquidity.
    • BIST 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Die Borsa Istanbul (BIST) (türkisch: Borsa ?stanbul, abgekürzt: B?ST) ist die einzige türkische Börse für den Handel mit Wertpapieren. Die Börse wurde am 26. Dezember 1985 in Istanbul gegründet. Sie ist im Stadtteil Sar?yer, ...
    • Blockchain 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Blockchain ist das am schnellsten wachsende und das größte Vertrauen genießende Kryptounternehmen, das auf der ganzen Welt Millionen von Menschen dabei hilft, auf einfache und sichere Weise Zugang zu Kryptowährungen zu erlangen.
    • Bloomberg 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Bloomberg offers a wide range of data on the world's leading public and private companies. Bloomberg database components includes: Stock price data, CDS and bond data, calculated ratios, financial accounts information; ...
    • Bloomberg Businessweek 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Bloomberg Businessweek, previously known as BusinessWeek, is an American weekly business magazine, published 50 times a year