Anzeige der Dokumente 74-93 von 334

    • Does Mood Affect Trading Behavior? 

      Kaustia, Markku; Rantapuska, Elias (2012-11-09)
      We test whether investor mood affects trading with data on all stock market transactions in Finland, utilizing variation in daylight and local weather. We find some evidence that environmental mood variables (local weather, ...
    • Does Product Familiarity Matter for Participation? 

      Fuchs-Schündeln, Nicola; Haliassos, Michael (2015-05-19)
      "Household access to financial products is often conditioned on previous use. However, banning access when learning is possible may be discriminatory or counterproductive. The ""experiment"" of German reunification ...
    • Does Say on Pay Matter? Evidence from Germany 

      Tröger, Tobias H.; Walz, Uwe (2017-09-13)
      We analyze a hand-collected dataset of 1682 executive compensation packages at 34 firms included in the main German stock market index (DAX) for the years 2009-2017 in order to investigate the impact of the 2009 say on pay ...
    • Does sophistication affect long-term return expectations? Evidence from financial advisers' exam scores 

      Kaustia, Markku; Lehtoranta, Antti; Puttonen, Vesa (2013-01-22)
      We use unique data fromfinancial advisers’ professional exam scores and combine it with other variables to create an index of financial sophistication. Using this index to explain long-term stock return expectations, we ...
    • Econometrics at Scale: Spark Up Big Data in Economics 

      Bluhm, Benjamin; Cutura, Jannic (2020-02-06)
      This paper provides an overview of how to use “big data” for economic research. We investigate the performance and ease of use of di?erent Spark applications running on a distributed ?le system to enable the handling and ...
    • Effects of Government Spending on Employment: Evidence from Winners and Runners-up in Procurement Auctions 

      Gugler, Klaus; Weichselbaumer, Michael; Zulehner, Christine (2018-05-01)
      To estimate demand for labor, we use a combination of detailed employment data and the outcomes of procurement auctions, and compare the employment of the winner of an auction with the employment of the second ranked firm ...
    • Endogenous Banks’ Networks, Cascades and Systemic Risk 

      Bluhm, Marcel; Faia, Ester; Krahnen, Jan Pieter (2014-06-01)
      We develop a network model whose links are governed by banks' optmizing decisions and by an endogenous tâtonnement market adjustment. Banks in our model can default and engage in re-sales: risk is transmitted through direct ...
    • Endogenous Grids in Higher Dimensions: Delaunay Interpolation and Hybrid Methods 

      Ludwig, Alexander; Schön, Matthias (2016-04-18)
      This paper investigates extensions of the method of endogenous gridpoints (ENDGM) introduced by Carroll (2006) to higher dimensions with more than one continuous endogenous state variable. We compare three different ...
    • Endogenous Retirement Behavior of Heterogeneous Households Under Pension Reforms 

      Börsch-Supan, Axel; Härtl, Klaus; Leite, Duarte; Ludwig, Alexander (2018-04-25)
      We propose a unified framework to measure the effects of different reforms of the pension system on retirement ages and macroeconomic indicators in the face of demographic change. A rich overlapping generations (OLG) model ...
    • Entrepreneurial Spawning: Experience, Education, and Exit 

      Cumming, Douglas; Walz, Uwe; Werth, Jochen Christian (2016-02-29)
      We investigate the career dynamics of high-tech entrepreneurs by analyzing the exit choice of entrepreneurs: to act as a business angel, to found another firm, or to become dependently employed. Our detailed data from ...
    • Equilibrium Asset Pricing in Directed Networks 

      Branger, Nicole; Konermann, Patrick; Meinerding, Christoph; Schlag, Christian (2018-10-16)
      Directed links in cash flow networks affect the cross-section of price exposures and market prices of risk in equilibrium. In an asset pricing model featuring mutually exciting jumps, we measure directedness through an ...
    • Estimation and Model-Based Combination of Causality Networks 

      Bonaccolto, Giovanni; Caporin, Massimiliano; Panzica, Roberto Calogero (2017-01-31)
      Causality is a widely-used concept in theoretical and empirical economics. The recent financial economics literature has used Granger causality to detect the presence of contemporaneous links between financial institutions ...
    • EU Agencies in Banking and Energy Between Institutional and Policy Centralisation 

      Eckert, Sandra (2020-05-28)
      This working paper suggests to analyse agencification as a double process of institutional and policy centralisation. To that end, it develops a categorisation of agencies that incorporates these two dimensions. More ...
    • Euro Membership and Fiscal Reaction Functions 

      Weichenrieder, Alfons J.; Zimmer, Jochen (2013-05-10)
      The paper uses fiscal reaction functions for a panel of euro-area countries to investigate whether euro membership has reduced the responsiveness of countries to shocks in the level of inherited debt compared to the period ...
    • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Policies Against a Pandemic 

      Alemán, Christian; Busch, Christopher; Ludwig, Alexander; Santaeulàlia-Llopis, Raül (2020-11-12)
      We develop a novel empirical approach to identify the effectiveness of policies against a pandemic. The essence of our approach is the insight that epidemic dynamics are best tracked over stages, rather than over time. We ...
    • Exit Strategies 

      Angeloni, Ignazio; Faia, Ester; Winkler, Roland (2014-04-01)
      We study alternative scenarios for exiting the post-crisis fiscal and monetary accommodation using a macromodel where banks choose their capital structure and are subject to runs. Under a Taylor rule, the post-crisis ...
    • Expl(AI)ned: The impact of explainable artificial intelligence on cognitive processes 

      Bauer, Kevin; Zahn, Moritzvon; Hinz, Oliver (2021-06-25)
      This paper explores the interplay of feature-based explainable AI (XAI) techniques, information processing, and human beliefs. Using a novel experimental protocol, we study the impact of providing users with explanations ...
    • Explaining Intra-Monthly Consumption Patterns: The Timing of Income or the Timing of Consumption Commitments? 

      Vellekoop, Nathanael (2018-11-01)
      A number of recent studies have concluded that consumer spending patterns over the month are closely linked to the timing of income receipt. This correlation is interpreted as evidence of hyperbolic discounting. I re-examine ...
    • Exposure to the COVID-19 Stock Market Crash and its Effect on Household Expectations 

      Hanspal, Tobin; Weber, Annika; Wohlfart, Johannes (2020-05-21)
      We survey a representative sample of US households to study how exposure to the COVID-19 stock market crash affects expectations and planned behavior. Wealth shocks are associated with upward adjustments of expectations ...
    • Financial Bridges and Network Communities 

      Casarin, Roberto; Costola, Michele; Yenerdag, Erdem (2018-09-29)
      We analyze the global financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis showing that the European network exhibits a strong community structure with two main blocks acting as shock spreader and receiver, respectively. ...