Anzeige der Dokumente 672-691 von 1145

    • ProQuest 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Historical newspaper content is among researchers’ most sought-after primary source material. With more than 60 premier stand-alone historical titles, ProQuest Historical Newspapers™ is the definitive newspaper digital ...
    • PSHB 

      Unbekannter Autor
      In 1989 the Services of Programmation of Scientific Policy (now Services Fédéraux des Affaires Scientifiques, Techniques et Culturelles) commissioned the services of Family Sociology of the University of Liège and the ...
    • PSID 

      Unbekannter Autor
      The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) is the longest running longitudinal household survey in the world. The study began in 1968 with a nationally representative sample of over 18,000 individuals living in 5,000 families ...
    • PTS 

      Unbekannter Autor
      The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) monitors the electronic communications and postal sectors in Sweden. The term ‘electronic communications’ includes telephony, the Internet and radio.
    • Pushing Through or Slacking Off? Heterogeneity in the Reaction to Rank Feedback 

      Hett, Florian; Schmidt, Felix (2018-03-30)
      This paper studies heterogeneity in the reaction to rank feedback. In a laboratory experiment, individuals take part in a series of dynamic real-effort contests with intermediate feedback. To solve the identification problem ...
    • Putting the Pension Back in 401(k) Plans: Optimal versus Default Longevity Income Annuities 

      Horneff, Vanya; Maurer, Raimond; Mitchell, Olivia S. (2016-09-29)
      Most defined contribution pension plans pay benefits as lump sums, yet the US Treasury has recently encouraged firms to protect retirees from outliving their assets by converting a portion of their plan balances into ...
    • PWT 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Constructed by Robert Summers and Alan Heston of the University of Pennsylvania, together with the late Irving Kravis, the Penn World Tables are the definitive source for real national accounts data. The national accounts ...
    • QIS2 

      Unbekannter Autor
      During 2001, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision conducted two major data collection exercises. The second quantitative impact study (QIS 2) gathered the data necessary to allow the Committee to gauge the impact of ...
    • Quandl 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Designed for professionals, Quandl delivers financial, economic and alternative data to over 400,000 people worldwide. Quandl offers essential financial and economic data alongside a suite of unique, alpha-generating ...
    • Quantifying Inertia in Retail Deposit Markets 

      Deuflhard, Florian (2018-03-01)
      This paper investigates inertia within and across banks in retail deposit markets using detailed panel data on consumer choices and account characteristics. In a structural choice model, I find that costs of inertia are ...
    • Quasi-Dark Trading: The Effects of Banning Dark Pools in a World of Many Alternatives 

      Johann, Thomas; Putnins, Talis; Sagade, Satchit; Westheide, Christian (2019-04-30)
      We show that “quasi-dark” trading venues, i.e., markets with somewhat non-transparent trading mechanisms, are important parts of modern equity market structure alongside lit markets and dark pools. Using the European MiFID ...
    • RAIS 

      Unbekannter Autor
      RAIS is an annual administrative record conceived to supply the necessities of control, statistics and information for governmental entities in the social area. It constitutes a fundamental instrument to attend legal norms ...
    • RBNZ 

      Unbekannter Autor
      The Reserve Bank manages monetary policy to maintain price stability, promotes the maintenance of a sound and efficient financial system, and supplies New Zealand banknotes and coins.
    • Recapitalization, Bailout, and Long-run Welfare in a Dynamic Model of Banking 

      Modena, Andrea (2021-03-01)
      This paper studies the dynamic trade-off between the short-run costs and the long-run benefits of bank bailouts. In the model, banks leverage thanks to their cost advantage at monitoring firms, but hold precautionary capital ...
    • Regulation of Crowdfunding in Germany 

      Tröger, Tobias (2018-04-23)
      This paper is the national report for Germany prepared for the to the 20th General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law 2018 and gives an overview of the regulation of crowdfunding in Germany and the ...
    • Regulatory Influence on Market Conditions in the Banking Union 

      Tröger, Tobias H. (2015-06-02)
      This paper looks into the specific influence that the European banking union will have on (future) bank client relationships. It shows that the intended regulatory influence on market conditions in principle serves as a ...
    • REIT 

      Unbekannter Autor
      A real estate investment trust (“REIT”) is a company that owns, operates or finances income-producing real estate. REITs provide all investors the chance to own valuable real estate, present the opportunity to access ...
    • Remarks on the German Regulation of Crowdfunding 

      Tröger, Tobias H. (2017-12-05)
      Crowdfunding is a buzzword that signifies a sub-set in the new forms of finance facilitated by advances in information technology usually categorized as fintech. Concerns for financial stability, investor and consumer ...
    • Rent-Seeking in Elite Networks 

      Haselmann, Rainer; Schoenherr, David; Vig, Vikrant (2017-01-31)
      We employ a unique dataset on members of an elite service club in Germany to investigate how social connections in elite networks affect the allocation of resources. Specifically, we investigate credit allocation decisions ...
    • RePEc 

      Unbekannter Autor
      RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 102 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. The heart of the project is a decentralized ...