Anzeige der Dokumente 639-658 von 1145

    • Optimal Taxes on Capital in the OLG Model with Uninsurable Idiosyncratic Income Risk 

      Krueger, Dirk; Ludwig, Alexander (2018-02-09)
      We characterize the optimal linear tax on capital in an Overlapping Generations model with two period lived households facing uninsurable idiosyncratic labor income risk. The Ramsey government internalizes the general ...
    • Optimists and Pessimists in (In)Complete Markets 

      Branger, Nicole; Konermann, Patrick; Schlag, Christian (2019-06-06)
      We study the effects of market incompleteness on speculation, investor survival, and asset pricing moments, when investors disagree about the likelihood of jumps and have recursive preferences. We consider two models. In ...
    • Option-Implied Information and Predictability of Extreme Returns 

      Vilkovz, Grigory; Xiaox, Yan (2013-01-28)
      We study whether prices of traded options contain information about future extreme market events. Our option-implied conditional expectation of market loss due to tail events, or tail loss measure, predicts future market ...
    • OptionMetrics 

      Unbekannter Autor
      OptionMetrics is the financial industry's premier provider of quality historical option price data, tools, and analytics. Currently, over 300 institutional subscribers and universities rely on our products as their main ...
    • Orbis 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Orbis is the resource for entity data. It has information on close to 400 million companies and entities across the globe – 41 million of these have detailed financial information. It’s the most powerful comparable data ...
    • Osiris 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Osiris has information on listed, and major unlisted/delisted, companies across the globe. The information is very detailed and includes a lot more than financial reports. Different templates are used to show accounts in ...
    • OTC Discount 

      de Roure, Calebe; Mönch, Emanuel; Pelizzon, Loriana; Schneider, Michael (2020-12-08)
      We document a sizable OTC discount in the interdealer market for German sovereign bonds where exchange and over-the-counter trading coexist: the vast majority of OTC prices are favorable with respect to exchange quotes. ...
    • OTC Discount 

      de Roure, Calebe; Mönch, Emanuel; Pelizzon, Loriana; Schneider, Michael (2021-10-08)
      We document a sizable OTC discount in the interdealer market for German sovereign bonds where exchange and over-the-counter trading coexist: the vast majority of OTC prices are favorable compared to exchange quotes. This ...
    • P2P Lending versus Banks: Cream Skimming or Bottom Fishing? 

      de Roure, Calebe; Pelizzon, Loriana; Thakor, Anjan V. (2018-04-18)
      We derive three testable predictions from a bank-P2P lender model of competition: (i) P2P lending grows when some banks are faced with exogenously higher regulatory costs, (ii) P2P loans are riskier than bank loans; and ...
    • P2P Lending versus Banks: Cream Skimming or Bottom Fishing? 

      Pelizzon, Loriana; Thakor, Anjan; de Roure, Calebe (2021-10-08)
      We derive three testable predictions from a bank-P2P lender model of competition: (a) P2P lending grows when some banks are faced with exogenously higher regulatory costs, (b) P2P loans are riskier than bank loans, and (c) ...
    • Pairfam 

      Unbekannter Autor
      The 2008-launched German Family Panel pairfam (“Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics”) is a multi-disciplinary, longitudinal study for researching partnership and family dynamics in Germany. The ...
    • Partial Information about Contagion Risk, Self-Exciting Processes and Portfolio Optimization 

      Branger, Nicole; Kraft, Holger; Meinerding, Christoph (2013-04-18)
      This paper compares two classes of models that allow for additional channels of correlation between asset returns: regime switching models with jumps and models with contagious jumps. Both classes of models involve a hidden ...
    • Paying for Market Liquidity: Competition and Incentives 

      Bellia, Mario; Pelizzon, Loriana; Subrahmanyam, Marti G.; Yuferova, Darya (2019-02-01)
      Do competition and incentives offered to designated market makers (DMMs) improve market liquidity? Using data from NYSE Euronext Paris, we show that an exogenous increase in competition among DMMs leads to a significant ...
    • PCAOB 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Das PCAOB ist ein privatrechtlich organisiertes Aufsichtsgremium in den USA. Das Aufgabenspekt­rum des PCAOB umfasst die Verabschiedung von Ethik-, Unabhängigkeits-, Prüfungs- sowie Quali­tätskontrollstandards für die ...
    • Peer Effects and Risk Sharing in Experimental Asset Markets 

      Baghestanian, Sascha; Gortner, Paul J.; van der Weele, Joël J. (2015-02-02)
      Previous research has documented strong peer effects in risk taking, but little is known about how such social influences affect market outcomes. Since the consequences of social interactions are hard to isolate in financial ...
    • Performance Benefits of Tight Control 

      Gill, Andrej; Visnjic, Nikolai (2013-06-18)
      This study investigates the transition from being a listed company with a dispersed ownership structure to being a privately held company with a concentrated ownership structure. We consider a sample of private equity ...
    • PETS 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Transcript data provide researchers with an important analytic resource, creating opportunities to study course-taking patterns, credit transfer, student momentum and attrition, and the connection among course and major ...
    • PFM Data 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Personal financial management app
    • PHF 

      Unbekannter Autor
      The German Panel on Household Finances (PHF) is a panel survey on household finance and wealth in Germany, covering the balance sheet, pension, income, work life and other demographic characteristics of private households ...
    • PIA 

      Unbekannter Autor
      The Annual Survey of Industry - Product, PIA Product, investigates products and services produced by the Brazilian industry, based on a predefined nomenclature: the List of Products of Industry, Prodlist-Industry, produced ...