Anzeige der Dokumente 333-352 von 1145

    • Financial Constraints, Newly Founded Firms and the Financial Crisis 

      Hirsch, Julia; Walz, Uwe (2017-12-14)
      This paper aims to analyze the effects of financial constraints and the financial crisis on the financing and investment policies of newly founded firms. Thereby, the analysis adds important new insights on a crucial segment ...
    • Financial Development and Structure Dataset 

      Unbekannter Autor
      This dataset contains annual data starting from 1960. It has been last updated in September 2019 and contains data through 2017 for 31 indicators, capturing various aspects of financial institutions and markets.The compiled ...
    • Financial Education for the Disadvantaged? A Review 

      Entorf, Horst; Hou, Jia (2018-04-20)
      In contrast to the popularity of financial education interventions worldwide, studies on the economic effects of those interventions report mixed results. With a focus on the effect on disadvantaged groups, we review both ...
    • Financial education, literacy and investment attitudes 

      Brugiavini, Agar; Cavapozzi, Danilo; Padula, Mario; Pettinicchi, Yuri (2015-05-01)
      Based on a sample of university students, we provide field and laboratory evidence that a small scale training intervention has both a statistically and economically significant effect on subjective and objective assessments ...
    • Financial Incentives and Loan Officer Behavior: Multitasking and Allocation of Effort Under an Incomplete Contract 

      Behr, Patrick; Drexler, Alejandro; Gropp, Reint E.; Guettler, Andre (2017-10-10)
      We investigate the implications of providing loan officers with a non-linear compensation structure that rewards loan volume and penalizes poor performance. Using a unique data set provided by a large international commercial ...
    • Financial Literacy and Self-Control in FinTech: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Online Consumer Borrowing 

      Bu, Di; Hanspal, Tobin; Liao, Yin; Liu, Yong (2019-10-14)
      We report the results of a longitudinal intervention with students across five universities in China designed to reduce online consumer debt. Our research design allocates individuals to either a financial literacy treatment, ...
    • Financial Literacy and Socialist Education: Lessons from the German Reunification 

      Davoli, Maddalena; Hou, Jia (2018-07-01)
      A growing body of literature shows the importance of financial literacy in households' financial decisions. However, fewer studies focus on understanding the determinants of financial literacy. Our paper fills this gap by ...
    • Financial Regulation in the EU – Cross-Border Capital Flows, Systemic Risk and the European Banking Union as Reference Points for EU Financial Market Integration 

      Haar, Brigitte (2014-06-01)
      This is a chapter for a forthcoming volume Oxford Handbook of Financial Regulation (Oxford University Press 2014) (eds. Eilís Ferran, Niamh Moloney, and Jennifer Payne). It provides an overview of EU financial regulation ...
    • Financing Asset Growth 

      Brennan, Michael J.; Kraft, Holger (2013-08-11)
      In this paper we provide new evidence that corporate financing decisions are associated with managerial incentives to report high equity earnings. Managers rely most heavily on debt to finance their asset growth when their ...
    • Financing Conditions and Toxic Emissions 

      Goetz, Martin (2019-07-27)
      Exploiting heterogeneity in U.S. firms' exposure to an unconventional monetary policy shock that reduced debt financing costs, I identify the impact of financing conditions on firms' toxic emissions. I find robust evidence ...
    • Financing Costs and the Efficiency of Public-Private Partnerships 

      Avdiu, Besart; Weichenrieder, Alfons J. (2020-11-18)
      The paper compares provision of public infrastructure via public-private partnerships (PPPs) with provision under government management. Due to soft budget constraints of government management, PPPs exert more effort and ...
    • Finanzagentur GmbH 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Debt management from a single source: We ensure that the Federal Government, as the benchmark issuer in the eurozone, has at its disposal the most cost-efficient and low-risk financing as possible. We were established ...
    • FINBAS 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Increasing knowledge about the Swedish stock market. By providing data from the Swedish setting FinBas facilitates a growing knowledge of Swedish history and insights useful also in today’s setting. A majority of researchers ...
    • Finland CSPP 

      Finlands Bank (2018)
      CSPP Resources of the Finlands Bank
    • Finland PSPP 

      Finlands Bank (2018)
      PSPP Resources of the Finlands Bank
    • Finpolconsult 

      Unbekannter Autor
      FINPOLCONSULT is a financial sector development specialist and think tank.

      Unbekannter Autor
      FINRA is the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, a non-governmental regulator of the entire securities industry. It was formed in the summer of 2007 from the NYSE and the NASD. TRACE - Trade Reporting and Compliance ...
    • Fiscal Stimulus and Labor Market Flexibility 

      Topal, Pinar (2015-03-03)
      This paper investigates whether a fiscal stimulus implies a different impact for flexible and rigid labour markets. The analysis is done for 11 advanced OECD economies. Using quarterly data from 1999 to 2013, I estimate a ...
    • FISD 

      Unbekannter Autor
      Comprehensive database of publicly-offered United States bonds encompassing over 140,000 corporate, corporate MTN (medium term note), supranational, United States Agency, and United States Treasury debt securities and ...
    • FLEX 

      Unbekannter Autor
      FLEX – the Frankfurt Laboratory for Experimental Economic Research is a research center at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University in Frankfurt.