Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Idiosyncratic Risk, Aggregate Risk, and the Welfare Effects of Social Security
We ask whether a pay-as-you-go financed social security system is welfare improving in an economy with idiosyncratic productivity and aggregate business cycle risk. We show analytically that the whole welfare benefit from ...
Social Security in an Analytically Tractable Overlapping Generations Model with Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Risk
When markets are incomplete, social security can partially insure against idiosyncratic and aggregate risks. We incorporate both risks into an analytically tractable model with two overlapping generations. We derive the ...
Historical financial database with over 35 million individual instruments or indicators across all major asset classes, including 8.5 million active economic indicators. It features 70 years of data, across 175 countries ...
Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) is a database maintained by the Research division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louisthat has more than 500,000 economic time series from 87 sources. The data can be viewed in ...
The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) is the longest running longitudinal household survey in the world. The study began in 1968 with a nationally representative sample of over 18,000 individuals living in 5,000 families ...
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Our goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, ...
Thomson Reuters
Thomson Reuters Corporation is a Canadian multinational media conglomerate.
Robert J. Shiller's online data
Credit Market Analysis (CMA) is a data and information company specializing in OTC derivatives markets. In July 2012, the company became part of the S&P Capital IQ division of McGraw-Hill
Global Financial Data provides the most comprehensive, historical economic and financial information available anywhere. GFD specializes in providing Financial and Economic Data that extends from the 1000s to the present—beyond ...