Now showing items 1-10 of 186
Interbank Networks and Backdoor Bailouts: Benefiting from other Banks' Government Guarantees
This paper explains why banks derive a benefit from being highly interconnected. We show that when banks are protected by government guarantees they can significantly increase their expected returns by channeling funds ...
Incentive-Based Capital Requirements
This paper proposes a new regulatory approach that implements capital requirements contingent on executive incentive schemes. We argue that excessive risk-taking in the financial sector originates from the shareholder moral ...
Monetary Policy and Risk Taking
We assess the effects of monetary policy on bank risk to verify the existence of a risk-taking channel — monetary expansions inducing banks to assume more risk. We first present VAR evidence confirming that this channel ...
Consumption Habits and Humps
We show that the optimal consumption of an individual over the life cycle can have the hump shape (inverted U-shape) observed empirically if the preferences of the individual exhibit internal habit formation. In the absence ...
When Do Jumps Matter for Portfolio Optimization?
We consider the continuous-time portfolio optimization problem of an investor with constant relative risk aversion who maximizes expected utility of terminal wealth. The risky asset follows a jump-diffusion model with a ...
The Dynamics of Crises and the Equity Premium
It is a major challenge for asset pricing models to generate a high equity premium and a low risk-free rate while imposing realistic consumption dynamics. To address this issue, our paper proposes a novel pricing channel: ...
Euro Membership and Fiscal Reaction Functions
The paper uses fiscal reaction functions for a panel of euro-area countries to investigate whether euro membership has reduced the responsiveness of countries to shocks in the level of inherited debt compared to the period ...
Trust in the Monetary Authority
Trust in policy makers fluctuates significantly over the cycle and affects the transmission mechanism. Despite this it is absent from the literature. We build a monetary model embedding trust cycles; the latter emerge as ...
Stochastic Differential Utility as the Continuous-Time Limit of Recursive Utility
We establish a convergence theorem that shows that discrete-time recursive utility, as developed by Kreps and Porteus (1978), converges to stochastic differential utility, as introduced by Duffie and Epstein (1992), in the ...
Partial Information about Contagion Risk, Self-Exciting Processes and Portfolio Optimization
This paper compares two classes of models that allow for additional channels of correlation between asset returns: regime switching models with jumps and models with contagious jumps. Both classes of models involve a hidden ...